The new Lyman turret press is the most features packed rugged press on the market and is the heart of the All-American 8 Reloading Kit. The heavy duty press is large enough to handle the biggest rifle cartridges yet offers speed and precision for pistol shooters.
Along with the smooth operating 8-station turret capable of holding up to 4 two die sets the press is equipped with Lyman's brand new straight line Auto Primer Feed. To make this the most complete kit that you can find they have included a new Brass Smith Powder Measure a Universal Trimmer with 9 of the most popular caliber pilots the 1500 grain capacity Pocket Touch Digital scale the famous 50th Ed. Reloading Handbook a Magnum Bullet Puller Case Prep Multi-Tool loading block Case Lube Kit and Powder Dribbler.
All-American 8 Reloading Kit includes :
- Brass Smith All-American 8 Press
- Brass Smith Powder Measure and Powder Measure Stand
- 50th Edition Reloading Handbook
- Pocket Touch 1500 electronic scale with Funnel Pan and Dipper
- Universal Trimmer with pilot multi-pack
- Case Prep Multi-Tool
- Magnum Bullet Puller
- Case Lube Kit
- Loading Block
- Powder Dribbler
- E-ZEE Powder Funnel
- Primer Tray